Monday, September 19, 2011

The Untitled Story:Prologue


Everyone has a story and it deserves to be told. one meets so many people in the path of life and gets to hear so many stories, some fake, some true, some purely fictions, some comic and some immersed in immense agony of losing one's everything. There are stories all around us and our life is inspired by all these stories in some way or other. These stories teach us the values in life, they teach us to deal with people, to respect , to love and to hate. We read books, we watch movies and we hear news, everything tells us a new story everyday, every moment.

 Not every story needs to have a perfect ending, not every story needs to be an inspiring one, not every story has to leave you awe-struck. A story can be a tale of a loser and another can teach you ways of winning the world. Similarly Not every story must have a name , for naming it might help setting up a prejudice in the reader's mind and guiding him towards the viewpoint of the author or rather, the story teller. So, here I present to you,the reader, to have your own perception and live through - 'The Untitled Story'.

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